Product Description

ACCELL IDS Release 2.0

For Rapid Development of Unix Applications

ACCELL, the Integrated Development System, redefined the way that professional software developers create new business applications.

The seamless integration of multiple high performance components makes ACCELL unique among Unix development systems.


The ACCELL integrated development system is a Unix-based application development product designed to maximize developer productivity through a tightly integrated combination of fourth generation technologies.

With ACCELL, you can efficiently solve programming tasks by choosing the right tool:

Application Generator

You can create application prototypes in just a few hours with ACCELL's visual application generator, and efficiently convert them into business grade applications without starting from scratch! In fact, up to 80% of most business applications can be completed with the generator alone, using a simple fill-in-the-blanks approach.

Fourth Generation Language

ACCELL's event-driven fourth generation language allows you to program-by-exception, writing code only for custom functions not built with the application generator.

ACCELL's 4GL will reduce your programming time significantly over conventional 3GLS. In fact, five pages of 4GL code will do the work of more than 40 pages in COBOL or C.

Unlimited Windowing Capability

With ACCELL, you have ultimate flexibility in the number, color, and placement of windows. Only ACCELL's windowing environment offers automatic ZoomView; a window within a window to let you retrieve data without leaving the original screen. With ZoomView, you can literally cut and paste data across fields, for a dramatic improvement in user productivity.


Top Performance through

Through ACCELL's cooperative processing feature, your applications can run with the graphical Microsoft Windows user interface, with no additional programming. With ACCELL/CP you can mix any combination of PC's, terminals and laptops, delivering computing power where it is most needed. Screen processing tasks are offloaded from the Unix system to additionally support two to three times as many users while maintaining a consistently high level of performance.

Significant features of ACCELL IDS 2.0:


Underlying the ACCELL Integrated Development System is the UNIFY RDBMS, a high performance relational database management system. Great performance on the leading platforms with relatively little technical knowledge to administer.

UNIFY's PathFinder architecture takes the fastest possible database path no matter what type of query is required and offers record level locking for ease of multi-user access.

Significant features of UNIFY RDBMS


ACCELL IDS and UNIFY RDBMS are fully internationalized to support an 8 bit character set. Both products support the local language of choice. There are four national character alphabets: basic Latin, including English, Hawaiian, and Swahili; Latin plus; non Latin, approximately 100 alphabets, including Greek, Russian, Arabic, and Hebrew; and ideographs used in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Enhanced Formatting

To support the needs of local languages, ACCELL IDS and UNIFY RDBMS support added time and date formats.

ACCELL IDS and UNIFY RDBMS also support external message libraries, language dependent sorting, and language dependent formatting (page length, page width, and punctuation).

Continue/Break Statements

ACCELL IDS provides you with the flexibility of ôcontinue/breakö statements which allow you to continue a loop after it has been stopped or break out of a loop once it has started. For example, a set select statement with many conditions can be used with a continue/break statement instead of using IF_THEN_ELSE statements.

Text/Binary Logging

With UNIFY RBMS, you have the flexibility to log text and binary fields.

Upward Compatibility

Customers with previous versions of ACCELL IDS and UNIFY RDBMS can quickly and easily convert their current applications to ACCELL IDS and UNIFY RDBMS. ACCELL IDS and UNIFY RDBMS have built-in utilities to aid in the conversion process.

Additional ACCELL Power

In addition to its powerful generator, 4GL and database, ACCELL comes complete with three additional tools: a menu handler, report writer and SQL.

ACCELL also provides a conditional 3GL interface, so you can maintain existing 3GL code. Through ACCELL's Host Language Interface (HLI), you have the full range of access to data in the RDBMS engine.

ACCELL IDS Availability

ACCELL IDS is currently available on platforms including: HP, IBM, SCO Unix, SUN, Data General, DEC.

ACCELL and ACCELL-developed applications are also portable to leading Unix platforms allowing you to create hardware independent solutions.

©1995, 1996 Unify Corporation

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